stress and caffeine have become my best friends. school has dominated me and left huge black circles under my eyes. so much to do for every class, essays, books, and stuff for the eyeopener as well. which i enjoy, and hope to keep doing. speaking of the eyeopener, saw jamie today and he asked if i was running for any eye position for next year. i wasn't planning on it, but after thinking about it all day, i'm considering running for assistant photo ...person. not exactly sure what it does just yet, but i think it would be pretty cool. i've been enjoying the eye lately, so i think it would be fun. and its a way to keep me going with photography. the only thing im not so keen on is the speech part. (eye people, if you're reading this... any advice?) hmmm.
today marks the one month mark until my last exam and going home. gah. i won't bore you with my nostalgia. but keep this in mind -- i only live two hours away from good ol TO. meaning i'll be up here like every other week.... soo... want me to crash at your place? awesomeee.
today also marked the 2 weeks since Kevin O'Donnell from Rolling Stone emailed saying he'd get back within 2 weeks about the internship. i didn't get an email. oh well... i guess there's always next year...
lately i feel like all creativity has been ripped from me. i haven't written any poems or anything lately. i haven't taken any sweet artsy photos. i partly blame this on ryerson for not letting me take creative writing/photography classes. the only other things i sort of consider myself good at. (namely because i'm not good at anything else // interested in anything else.) so i'm on a mission to find my creativity again. we'll see how this one goes..
i'm still reeling from The Shins show on saturday. love them. so much.

question: do you think it's worth it to worry about your future?
(I'm going to be doing questions at the end of each entry, so answer them, damnit!)
ps -- this blog basically sucked. i credit it to catching a cold. i promise the blogging will get better.
Yo is there a way to add you as a friend or whatever?
umm. i dont think so, but you can make link lists on the side of your page.
holy crap i have a blogger display name?!?!?!?!
Hi Boo, I don't think you should worry about your future because it's going to happen no matter what. If you just roll with it, life will seem much better.
P.S.-I miss youuu!
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