Wednesday, March 21, 2007

introduction, part one.

let's begin with saying i love starting new blogs. Since the beginning of high school, I've gone through two xangas, two livejournals, actual paper diaries, and others i probably wrote in once and then forgot about it. i don't know what it is, but it's exciting for me -- giving me an opportunity to start over, refresh my writing style, turn over a new leaf. maybe even convince a new audience i'm slightly interesting. (cough, cough). to me, "blog" sounds a lot different than "livejournal" ... meaning no more of my whiny bullshit in livejournal, the stuff i look back on and think 'why the hell did i say that?' or 'why didn't i just grow up?' blog means to me the intelligent, wity, creative, and tasteful place where students like me get to 'inform the public' about why we're so awesome. i figure why not, i'll give it a try.

with that being said, welcome to what i like to call my adult-ish blog. it's new, it's public, and i'll try to keep you interested. come one, come all to the crazy workings of jess! (you don't know what you're getting yourself into, really.)

i want actual readers! anybody can post comments, however, i must tell you, they are first monitored through me. i've got a new crowd of listeners, what with moving to a new country and going to a university and all. i'd be happy if you read/put in your two cents/ whatever.

tonight i'll post an actual entry. we'll see how my blogging skills go!

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