Thursday, November 22, 2007

down the line

i have been transcribing interviews all day.
i say "like" way too much.
hello, new year's resolution.

on another note, today is my last day of crazy.
feature & studying for a final.
the shock of what i have to do today hasn't hit me yet, but then again, whatever.

my weekend consists of sleeping, taking fake band photos (ha), and having a non-traditional american thanksgiving.

ok, back to the interviews, writing, studying, and watching some repairman unplug our stove.
(oh yes, our landlord finally gave in and got us a new stove, washer, and dryer. i feel like chanukah came a month early.)

p.s. it's snowing and i kind of already hate it.
for some reason i have not been looking forward to this winter at all.

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